We do not need to “reinvent the wheel” regarding best practices. We already have them now.


Instead, we must communicate what already exists to others. My role translates existing knowledge for effective use by practitioners: (1) Peer student study groups, (2) Learning assistance, (3) Learning technologies, (4) Equity programs, and (5) Universal Design for Learning. I used these within my college global history course and my work training others how to implement peer study programs such as Supplemental Instruction/PASS/PAL.

My Personal Mission: Increase college student success through the identification, validation, and dissemination of best practices in peer learning, classrooms, & student services.

Best education practices are activities, behaviors, and policies by students, faculty, staff, and administrators that result in positive changes in student attitudes and academic behaviors.


pubs, media, &resources

Discover information created by me and others for peer learning, learning technologies, UDL, podcasting, history simulations, global history curriculum and so much more.


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